Sunday, 11 May 2014

Mummy Cuddles

There are many, many things you don't think about or get told before you become a parent. The ability to ever have a lie in again is one of them.

I do look forward to the patter of small feet coming along the hall way in the morning and the arrival of a sleepy face with crazy hair into my room and the way that he stands a the side of the bed gently prodding my face with a sharp little finger.  I always try, no matter how tired I am, to remind myself that there will come a day when he won't come in for a cuddle and I will likely have to pry him out of  bed for his evening meal or negotiate a pile of dirty laundry, plate and other boy detritus to get to him. 

We are tired today, both of us. We did a little too much partying yesterday and we are paying for it now. He with pasty face and the short temper of a child who enjoyed himself so much that he refused to leave the party until his little legs could take no more and me who embraced the opportunity to put on a nice dress and a pair of heels (remember them?), have a dance and enjoy a glass or three of champagne. It was a great day. A wedding reception of over 200 with a good proportion of children to play with, unlimited party food, a bouncy castle AND muddy puddles to splash in was J's idea of heaven. We danced, I chatted, he played and bounced. He had mud and grass on his face, I had it on my lovely grey, suede heels. I broke up a few childish disagreements and marshalled some tantrums, he ate his own body weight in potato wedges, white bread and Haribo, and I did pretty much the same. 

As we left the dance floor for the last time and said our goodbyes I can remember thinking that a lie in would be wonderful but I knew it wouldn't happen. We did wake up a little later (prospective parents take note - you can put your kids to bed as late as you like but it does little to alter their ability to get up early), but there was no gentle easing into the day. Full on demands for breakfast, games to be played and the want to run around outside in the rain. By lunch-time I was feeling the strain and the need for a sit down on my old-man chair in the corner, listen to a little of something soothing on the radio and sip a nice hot cup of tea was getting desperate. Then he crashed. Normally, I try to avoid the afternoon nap like the plague but today when he came over, thumb in mouth, eyes drooping and settled himself on my knee I thought that my lottery numbers had come in. 

As we dozed, I reminded myself of how lovely and wonderful children really are - when they are asleep.......

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous images. And I agree. They are best when sleeping. X
