Well, this morning started as any other. Alarm: too early. Child: too grumpy and sleepy. Traffic: too busy. And then I......stepped on the scales.
No good can come from having weighing scales in the house. It leads to self loathing, vilifying ones self for eating that last chocolate hobnob and vowing to not let one morsel of anything other than those purchased on the salad aisle passed your lips in the vain attempt to get a Kate Moss like figure for the weekend.
As it turns out going to work has the same effect. Working in a hospital has the disadvantage of there being weigh scales on every corner just waiting to catch out each an every patient (and member of staff it seems) who has been consuming just a little bit more than they would ever admit.
I found myself in the weigh room this morning and could not resist the urge to jump on the scales. I was HORRIFIED. It seems that in the last nine months I have amassed more than 16 pounds in extra flesh that, quite frankly, my small 5 foot 4 inch frame can't deal with.
Obviously this is not my fault. It is the fault of those who bring wine, special chocolaty treats and creamy curries in to my home. It is the fault of my friends and those who I love.
About 20 seconds after reading the horrific result, and there is nothing more horrifying than getting weighed in a unit that generally only caters for small people - which means you are always going to be up and over the top end of the weigh chart, that I joined Slimming World.
I immediately told my bestie, Jules, who said "I shall be over later, with wine". And wine she brought.
We decided that it would be a last night toast to those 15 pounds (and her measly gain of 5) that would come in the form of half price sauvignon and that tomorrow would be a turning point. Out with the wine and snacks and all things that we enjoy and in with the brown rice, salad and grilled fish. We would be slim, svelte and all the things that come with being slim and svelte by the time summer dawns.
All I can say to that (as I munch on a crisp sandwich is) "Thank God we live in England, the land where summer rarely dawns." But, I have paid my fees and therefore I must soldier on.......watch this space.
*you see how in a mere three paragraphs I shed one pound in vigorous glass lifting and typing?"
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